[ȣ־п]ŷ б ۹ б Ÿ 2). | ||||||
03-29 04:13 | ȣ۽Ʈ | ȸ | 63,728 |
[ȣ־п]ŷ б ۹ б Ÿ 2).
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ŷ б ϱ⸦ , ˻ ްų, ߸ κ ݴϴ.
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Reiko : Hello!! How are you today? kay : Yeah, I'm fine. But you know this morning I puted petrol. It was very expensive!!.
Reiko : really?
Kay : Reiko, nowadays, the price is increasing, isn't? I suppose it's more expensive than before, because of the Iraq war.
Reiko : I think so. Because in Iraq there are a lot of petrol companies. And some petrol lines were damaged by the war.
Martin : I don't think so. Iraq war caused petrol's price increase but that was not the main reason. I think the main reason in the USA petrol comanies contol the market.
Kay : I don't think so, because before Iraq war, the price of petrol was less than at the moment.
But after Iraq war, it has been increasing again ana again.
Reiko : Kay's got a point there, but I heard the same opinion before simmilar to Martins'. Actually it's difficult to say. I have no idea. But I think wars are bad thinks.
Anyway, How is your life in Melbourne going, Martin? Do you enjoy living here? Martin : I think Melbourune's life is so boring.
Kay : Yeah, Yeah, Martin, I think so.
Reiko : Why are you bored?
Martin : I don't have any friend in Melbourne. That's why
Kay : Oh my God!. You are the same as me!. And I do everything like a routine.
Reiko : Oh poor Martin and Kay....., I'm unhappy to hear that!
But you can find nice friends in this school.
Kay : No way! I haven't seen a handsome guy in this school!!
Martin : Me too!!
Reiko : You means good-looking guy? I think appearance is not import!ant, personlity is the most import!ant thing!
Martin : No way! Appearance is as import!ant as personality
Kay : Ok guys! It's time to have lunch. Let's go! |
01. Ƽ ȣ־п ϱ
л п ý ϸ ϴ κ Ƽ ƴұ մϴ. Ը ū. б. &л . . ߰ġ κ п б Ƽ ̱ Ƿִ ϰų ϱ ϰ ִµ. ȣֿ ū Ը ؿ п ֽϴ. ü к ƴ ŭ Ƽ ^^
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02. ´ ȣ־п ϱ
ȣ п к ٸ, Ѱ 1ִ 200~220 , Ѱ 350 ̻ ֽϴ. ´ п ϴ°͵ ϳ Դϴ. ʹ п Ƽ ֱ ó ʹ ô° ٴ Ƽ п θ ̿ϴ¹ õ帳ϴ. б Ͻñ⳪ Ⱓ к θ к Ǽ ֱ Ȯ б غô° ϴ.
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03. ´ ȣ־п ϱ
Ϲȸȭܿ ȣֿ IELTS, Cambridge, TESOL, Intership پ ڽ Ǿ ִ. ȣֿ ̳ ѱ ƿͼ Ǵ ϰ ʹٸ ϴ ڽ Ǿ ǰ ִ п ؾߵȴ. ŷȦ л Ŭ̳. Ͻ. ڸ α п鵵 ´ п ãƺ~
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